Red Flags CDNS Red Flag Indicators Proliferation Financing Red Flag Indicators Red Flag Indicators for Misuse of Legal Arrangments and NPOs Red Flag Indicators for Misuse of Legal Persons Red Flags Indicators of Financial Activities related to Drug Trafficking Real Estate Sector Red Flags Lawyers Notries and Independant Legal Professionals Red Flags Jewelers and Precious Metals / Stones Dealers Red Flags Accountants Red Flags Red Flags Indicators of Financial Activities related to Drug Trafficking Red Flags Indicators for Financing and Facilitation of Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) and Returnees Red Flags Indicators for DNFBPs regarding TFS related to TF and PF Red Flag for Banks RED Flags for Securities Sector Red Flag Indicators related to Human Trafficking/Smuggling in Persons RED Flags for Terrorism Financing RED Flags for Private Pension Schemes / Voluntary Pension Funds Red Flags for Security Sector Red Flags for Insurance Sector