Asian Development Bank TBML FIU’s Pilot Group
FMU Pakistan as one of the leading member of the FIUs Pilot Group formed under Asian Development Bank (ADB)’s TBML initiative project attended the first in person meeting organized by the ADB Trade & Supply Chain Finance Program in Singapore on 6th September 2022.
The meeting was attended by Ms. Sumera Baloch-Head of Analysis Division and Mr. Assad Farman Ali-Deputy Director-Analysis. The pilot group was formed in November 2020 and it consist FIUs of different countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Indonesia and Mongolia. The main purpose of the pilot group was to include the trade related data elements in goAML application which can result in timely and effective reporting of STRs relating to TBML. Under the project, ADB in coordination with the FIUs also held multiple Capacity Building Sessions for the Reporting Entities. FMU appreciates and acknowledges the support provided by ADB under the project.