Laws Anti Terrorism Act 1997 Complete AML Act 2010 (Urdu Version) Anti Money Laundering Act 2010 As Amended upto Sep 2020 GAZETTE NOTIFICATION OF AML ACT AS PASSED BY MAJLIS-E-SHOORA on 24-9-2020 The Control of Narcotic Substances (Amendment) Act, 2020 (Act No.XXIV of 2020) The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Co-Operative Societies (Amendment) Act,2020 The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Waqf Properties (Amendment) Act, 2020 The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Trust Act,2020 Mutual Legal Assistance (Criminal Matters) Act, 2020 The Anti-terrorism (Amendment) Act, 2020 The United Nations (Security Council) (Amendment) Act, 2020 Anti Money Laundering Act – As amended up to 21-Feb-2020 Amendments in the AML Act approved vide Notification No. F. 22(8)/2019-legis. Dated 26-Feb-2020 Anti Money Laundering Act, 2010 – As amended upto May2016 Anti Money Laundering (Amendment) Act, 2015 The Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997 – Amended upto Feb 2017 Extention of Anti Money Laundering Act 2010 to Gilgit-Baltistan Amendment in Foreign Exchange Regulation Act-1947 National Accountability Ordinance Control of Narcotic Substances Act Federal Investigation Agency – ACT Foreign Exchange Regulations – ACT Banking Companies Ordinance-1962 The Securities Act, 2015 Companies Ordinance 2016 Companies Ordinance 1984 (amended) Code of criminal procedure 1898 Customs Act 1969 Extradition Act-1972 Arms Act 1878 XI OF 1878 Pakistan Arms Ordinance 1965 Copyright Ordinance 1962 update Emigration Ordinance 1979 Registered Designs Ordinance2000 Trade Marks-Ordinance 2001Code of criminal procedure 1898 Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance 2002